Rock and Roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never thought I'd be doing stand-up comedy. My first and only love was/is music.
I lived in Canada as a kid and one of my earliest memories is of seeing The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. I was about 3 years old and fell madly in love with Ringo (don't say a word, I've always been attracted to strange men!). I wrote my first fan letter to Ringo when I was 4 - well my Dad wrote it for me - and in it I asked him to come and live with me. By this time we were living in Germany, the joys of being a Forces' Brat, so I got my Dad to address the letter to Ringo Starr, Liverpool, England.
Imagine my glee when I actually got a reply! In it Ringo told me that he couldn't come and live with me as his wife had just had a baby and she needed him there. I was the proudest kid on the block when I got that letter. It wasn't until many years later that my Dad sheepishly admitted it was him who'd written the reply. Ten years later I got a letter from Tom Robinson in reply to an enquiry I'd made to his record label, I slung it out! Wasn't getting bitten twice!
I loved Ringo for years, I'm nothing if not loyal to my idols. About 20 years ago I met Paul McCartney, but still never met Ringo. Probably just as well.
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