Monday, May 03, 2010

Having A Ball...

So far 2010 is a year of massive re-assessment for me .

Deaths of friends and family have made me rethink how I live my life. I've tended to prevaricate and postpone most major decisions until circumstances force me to change.

I'm not doing this so much these days. Life really is too short and I owe it to myself and loved ones I've lost to make every day count.

This is translating to my comedy and my performances. I'm getting so much more out of every gig I do and - obviously - giving so much more, and I love the reaction it gets!

This weekend I was at The Glee Club in Cardiff for the first time in a loooong time, and on Friday instead of MC'ing I did a set and used the opportunity to try out some new stuff I'd been working on. The response it got told me I was on the right track. A lot of my self-doubt was banished, by just going for it.



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