Friday, May 27, 2011

Goa, Goa, Gone!!!!!

Due to the change of plan at OshoWorld I ended up with two extra weeks here in India. Now I could’ve gone to Rishikesh or Amritsar or even deeper into the Himalayas, but the reality was I felt like just chilling out. And where better to chill than back in Goa?

When I told people I was planning to spend my last two weeks here all I heard was “ooooh it’ll be too hot”, “OMG you’ll fry!” “it’s all shut down, you’ll be bored”, yada yada yada. Well all of those doom merchants were wrong. It is hot - the average temperature is 32C, but then it was about that in January - and yes there’s not that many people here and as a result a lot of bars and shops have shut, but in my book those are positives!

The legendary Shore Bar where I got my freak on 20 years ago.

Out of season Anjuna is paradise. Well it’s paradise as long as you don’t look down and see all the garbage that’s strewn everywhere, along with the buildings that you can’t tell if they are going up or falling down - and there’s a silence everywhere that’s enabled me to really explore my own inner-workings, the results of which are in a whole other blog post!

The hotel I stayed at is called the Spazio Leisure Resort - a rather grand name for what is essentially a 3* hotel with a pool - and while the Taj doesn’t have anything to worry about, it’s been ideal for this last couple of weeks. The rooms are clean and really comfy with a big old bed, cable tv, a brilliant shower and no power cuts! The pool isn’t massive but it’s ideal for cooling off when you’re sunbathing, and the staff are really on the ball.

Not sure this is the best name for a bar really

Most nights I ate dinner at a place called the Sea Queen it’s the most popular place around cos they show a different couple of movies every night to pull in the punters and flog the food and drink. It works and it means that everything here is fresh and tasty. It’s been great for me as I’ve worked my way through the menu almost, and caught up on a ton of films I’d not seen. Twenty years ago I’d have been looking for the Full-Moon parties, but now dinner and a dvd suits me just fine.

When I first arrived that I did consider doing a bit more travelling, I thought I might get bored, but it’s turned out to be the best thing I could have done, to do that last bit of unwinding and reflection before I head home.

Thank you Anjuna.



Blogger Fiona M Chapelle said...

Funny isn't it? It isn't that you don't appreciate luxury the way that you used to, it is that you become more accepting is what is necessary while being. *smiles*

2:00 pm  

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