Mumbai Baby!

And so the adventure begins....
The upgrade might not have happened but as I settled into my very spacious "World Traveller Plus" (aka Premium Economy) seat and noted that the one next to me was empty, I was kinda cool about not having a half bed in the next bit of the plane.
My heart sank initially when a young woman and her baby sat across the aisle - I once did a flight to Melbourne with a baby that cried all the way from Heathrow to Singapore - but this little boy was the most amazing child I've ever met! Less than 5 months old, he didn't cry once! When he was awake which actually wasn't often enough, he was just adorable, smiling and laughing. Especially at me for some reason! I guess he knew what my initial thoughts about him were and he was showing me just how wonderful he was! Anyone who knows me, especially those friends with kids, know that I am not someone who goes gaga over a baby, but this little critter stole my heart!
Anyway, after the peace of the flight, came the madness of Mumbai. A long old wait for my luggage but I was being collected so wasn't too worried about that, I was just glad it arrived after the Moscow debacle.
Immigration and customs seemed much simpler than I remember it being on previous trips to India, and before long I was being led to my "limo". Ice cold water and an ice cold towel to freshen up were produced and I promptly fell asleep for most of the hour long drive into town.
The Taj Palace is probably the swishest hotel I've stayed in - certainly in terms of reputation - and I could certainly get used to the level of service you get from the staff from the get go. After going through the metal detectors just outside the entrance (there for obvious reasons) I was met by a very glamourous young woman who swept me past the front desk and straight up to my room. No hanging about waiting to check in here - it ain't the Ibis!
I unpacked and fell into bed. It was only about 4pm but I was exhausted. The running about and the pre-trip stress really made all my lupus symptoms flare up, and when you add jet-lag to the mix it's not good.
I woke up a couple of hours later and after a quick shower and change of clothing I was off out exploring. Once I was on the street the hassling began but after a good few years of travelling I've learned the best way to deal with persistent hawkers is to smile lots, and pretend you haven't got a clue what they are trying to say to you! I love watching people attempting to speak Italian to me. It happened in Kuala Lumpur and Moscow, now here. After years of being asked if I was Dutch, it makes a nice change!
I found the infamous Cafe Leopold and as it was way past my dinner time I headed in. I haven't read Shantaram yet - it's in my bag ready to go - but from what I've heard the book gives an accurate description of this place. I had a very delicious butter chicken which I washed down with a mango lassi - I was stuffed!
Checking out all the clothes and jewellery stalls that line the Colaba Causeway, it happened. Finally readers my big showbiz break came about! I was approached by a rather overweight, sweaty man with Trevira (google it) trousers and plastic loafers and asked if I wanted to be a big star in Bollywood! Oh yes! Discovered at last!
I stifled my laughter as best I could, as he went through his speech, sweating more and more as he repeated the question 'do you know Bollywood?' over and over. Only too well mate! Certainly well enough to know that there's not a huge call for middle aged western women in Birkenstocks! I kept thinking of dear Jason Wood who used to do a wonderful Bollywood tribute in his act and wishing he were with me - we could've both been Bollywood stars!
Yesterday I hired a driver for the day and he took me all over the city to see some sights and check out some markets but after a couple of hours the lupus got to me again and I had to head back to the hotel for some sleep. I made it to the pool for a swim and some afternoon tea before heading off out again.
This time to have a good look at the Gateway to India and the harbour
then off to Chowpatty Beach which according to Lonely Planet is the only place to be. Sadly nobody told the people of Mumbai, bit of a let down to be honest! I'm coming to the conclusion that Lonely Planet guides are written by people who take backhanders to recommend stuff. Whenever I've followed their recommendations to the letter it's always been a let down. Here, Thailand, Laos, Kuala Lumpur. Oh well. Lesson learned.
Right now it's breakfast time - which is delicious here by the way - before I start wrestling with my luggage to make 24 kg weigh 20kg for my budget flight to Goa!
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