Monday, December 06, 2010

Lashings of Lashes!

I may have that weird little location specific ad at the top of my posts (mainly cos there is no facility to remove it once you click the box) but I don't really do ads or product placements in my posts.

Regular readers will know that I am on an endless and eternal quest to try every beauty treatment ever invented from Creme de la Mere to sheep's placenta hair conditioner. Most of them don't work at all or if they do, no better than if I smeared half a pound of lard on my chops at night.

One product I've been trying out for the last few months that does work though, is RapidLash. I saw a plug for it in Grazia or somewhere and next time I was in Boots - which seems to be the only stockist - I picked up a box and gave it a go.

It's not cheap, £40 for a tube, but it is the cheapest of the serious lash serums out there. I've been using it every night for about five months on both my lashes and eyebrows, so far I've used two tubes so actually it's not that expensive.

Initially I didn't see a difference, but then I noticed an eyelash growing where I'd had a tiny bald spot for years, then about two months in people started complementing me on my lashes, even when I wasn't wearing mascara.

Last month in Kuala Lumpur three different strangers asked me if I was wearing those eyelash extentions. Now I don't know about you, but I rarely even notice someone's eyelashes. I'd notice if they weren't there, but I don't look at someone and go 'Ooooh they've got lovely lashes!', so for someone to notice mine and comment, there must be something going on!

And there is, to the point where now I just get them tinted and the only time I wear mascara is onstage and even then only one coat, compared to the two or three coats I used to use!

It's a watered down version of a product that was developed to help people who've lost hair due to chemotherapy grow lashes and brows, and you need to follow the instructions, but of all the over the counter beauty stuff I've ever bought, this is the only one that actually works!

Speaking of the eyelash tints, I've got a new place to get that done after my local "expert" tore my skin off waxing my brows before I went away. Last weekend I went to Blink in Selfridges and got my brows threaded, plus a lash and brow tint (the joy of ageing, my eyebrow hairs are coming in white now!). The girl who did it was fast, the procedure was pain-free, and the results amazing! Give them a go.

I'm learning that if you get the grooming bit right, you don't really need a lot of make-up. Only taken me to get to nearly 50!



Blogger Fiona M Chapelle said...

I like the sound of thicker lashes, but knowing my luck, my concentration would slip and somehow I'd end up applying it the bikini line, which needs no help in that department at all! *Sighs*

10:48 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

For threading, if possible, find a local Indian beautician to do it...will cost under a fiver and be brilliant.

11:22 am  
Blogger JoJo Smith said...

the lady who did my brows at Blink was Indian and fabulous, bit more than a fiver but after my last horrible experience I am avoiding using unknowns!

12:02 pm  
Blogger JoJo Smith said...

Oooh Fiona, don't be applying it down there! It's really amazing on the lashes, if you did your bush you'd not get your drawers on after a week!

12:04 pm  

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