Agra Do Do Do
After what felt like five minutes the alarm started beeping and it was time to be up and out and at ‘em. A steaming hot shower, another round of packing, and a bit of breakfast, and I was off to Agra.
A mere four hour drive from Delhi, it felt longer cos of the general road madness here in India. Normally I am a cracking passenger, because I don’t drive so I don’t critique, but even I can recognise crazy, lollapalooza, nutso driving when I see it! Not my driver, bless him, Ramish has the patience of a saint on the road, but just about every other person behind a wheel of any kind managed to freak me out! Cars, buses, trucks, motor-bikes, tuk tuks, roller skates, name it someone was driving it crazily!

I did enjoy playing the “how many” game though. In the past it’s just been ‘how many people on a motorbike?’ but over here it’s more fun to guess how many people you can cram into a tuk tuk that is probably meant to take no more than three including the driver. I actually saw one with at least 12 inside, three sitting on the back two standing on each side and luggage on the roof! How the hell did it ever move more than one inch?

I did manage a couple of naps though as you do and eventually we were outside my hotel in Agra. I checked in and dumped my case, then off we sped towards Agra Fort. Once there we met my Agra guide, Khan. He was brilliant, about 12 years old and studying for a BA in Business, he told me I reminded him of his mum and that he planned to treat me with respect. Normally I might be a tad offended by that but after the creep in Goa, I’d rather be viewed a mum than a fuckbuddy!

He knew his stuff too! If I’d gone to the fort on my own I’d have been in and out in about 15 minutes, taken half a dozen photos and none the wiser as to the history of the place. His knowledge and enthusiasm really engaged me and it was a brilliant primer for the big one to come - the Taj Mahal.

I have to say though that I am getting more than a bit pissed off with the hawkers here. There’s a real aggression from them here, so much so that even if I wanted to buy something I wouldn’t on principle! They make the ones in Goa look like amateurs! Oh well, once I get to the Ashram there’ll be none of that nuisance!

Look at what is over my shoulder!
A wee bit of dinner - chicken tikka believe it or not. Delicious it was too! I’ve eaten practically nothing but Indian food since I’ve been here and I’ve not had a bad meal yet. After the food, came shower and bed, early start in the morning.
A mere four hour drive from Delhi, it felt longer cos of the general road madness here in India. Normally I am a cracking passenger, because I don’t drive so I don’t critique, but even I can recognise crazy, lollapalooza, nutso driving when I see it! Not my driver, bless him, Ramish has the patience of a saint on the road, but just about every other person behind a wheel of any kind managed to freak me out! Cars, buses, trucks, motor-bikes, tuk tuks, roller skates, name it someone was driving it crazily!

I did enjoy playing the “how many” game though. In the past it’s just been ‘how many people on a motorbike?’ but over here it’s more fun to guess how many people you can cram into a tuk tuk that is probably meant to take no more than three including the driver. I actually saw one with at least 12 inside, three sitting on the back two standing on each side and luggage on the roof! How the hell did it ever move more than one inch?
I did manage a couple of naps though as you do and eventually we were outside my hotel in Agra. I checked in and dumped my case, then off we sped towards Agra Fort. Once there we met my Agra guide, Khan. He was brilliant, about 12 years old and studying for a BA in Business, he told me I reminded him of his mum and that he planned to treat me with respect. Normally I might be a tad offended by that but after the creep in Goa, I’d rather be viewed a mum than a fuckbuddy!

He knew his stuff too! If I’d gone to the fort on my own I’d have been in and out in about 15 minutes, taken half a dozen photos and none the wiser as to the history of the place. His knowledge and enthusiasm really engaged me and it was a brilliant primer for the big one to come - the Taj Mahal.
I have to say though that I am getting more than a bit pissed off with the hawkers here. There’s a real aggression from them here, so much so that even if I wanted to buy something I wouldn’t on principle! They make the ones in Goa look like amateurs! Oh well, once I get to the Ashram there’ll be none of that nuisance!
Look at what is over my shoulder!
A wee bit of dinner - chicken tikka believe it or not. Delicious it was too! I’ve eaten practically nothing but Indian food since I’ve been here and I’ve not had a bad meal yet. After the food, came shower and bed, early start in the morning.
Labels: Travel
Ah, a jewel over your shoulder. Nice.
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