Sunday, June 04, 2006

Da Geeza is a Gonna!

So, justice prevailed on Friday night as arrogant little shit Sezer was evicted from the Big Brother house with 91.6% of the vote, the highest ever!

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think Lea or Richard are any better than him. Lea's getting right on my (natural) tits with all her whinging about how women hate her and men think she's a joke, and how she wants to protect her family bollocks. Here's a little tip for ya Lea, don't pump your breasts up to a ridiculous size and then pay for it by making hard core pornography.

As for Richard he's as guilty of the crimes he condemns others for, being fake, being dull etc...let's face it apart from Pete, everyone in there is a prime example of the worst of what we celebrate ... famous for being famous, me me me, all the usual selfish bollocks.

Great viewing tho eh?

This weekend's gigs were challenging for all kinds of reasons. I was up in Glasgow, my first time in Scotland since the smoking ban came in. Suffice to say I wasn't looking forward to it! I flew up there with my comedy chum Simon Clayton, it was great to have company during the trip and Simon's always great company.

We got to the hotel, there was a bit of confusion with check-in but we got it sorted, and we both got smoking rooms, hurrah!

Simon was the MC this weekend, and boy did he earn his money! As the room is non-smoking, he had to fill for ages while people nipped out for a smoke. I was a bit nervous about doing a set (its been a while) but had a couple of blinders. While I can't say I enjoyed them, I sure enjoyed the sense of achievement I got from 'doing the business'.

Got home this afternoon, and when I unpacked I realised I'd smoked half the cigarettes I usually would on a weekend! Wow! Roll on the ban here, I'll be a non-smoker in no time, and Tony Blair can fund his illegal war without my hard earned cash.


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