Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Soooo Not The Theatre Daaaahlink!!!!!!

So I did an awayday to Portsmouth last night to support the penis puppeteers again.

This time we were appearing at Jongleurs, not some big swanky theatre.

On the way down I didn't really give it too much though, after all, it was only last Friday and Saturday that I was MC'ing the joint. When I got there it was a different story sadly.

They'd moved the stage away from the back wall in order to fit the boys' technical specifications, not to mention lowering it and moving the audience about6 feet back. I walked on, and it was like playing in an empty room!

The acoustics at this club aren't great at the best of times but it was just horrendous! I couldn't see a single person, which made it impossible to connect with them at all. Basically I just hated every second I was on.

The weird thing is, I didn't have a bad gig, the audience laughed, the guys said it was a good un, but I felt hollow and unsatisfied.

As I was sitting on the train 30 minutes' later, I reflected on the night. This is my main creative outlet, and while I am the first to stand up and say that primarily we are entertainers not artists, for me there has to be a 50-50 balance. Otherwise, its just a job.


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