Sunday, December 24, 2006

It's Heeeeeeeerrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

Yayyyyyyyy!!!!! It's Christmas!

Did my last of five shows in Nottingham last night and I got to MC it. We all - Raymond Mearns, Simon Bligh and Sinck - had a cracking time, but I have to say it was with great relief that I said goodnight to the crowd. Its great to do these shows but you tend to lose sight of the festive spirit at times.

Also, after five days and nights in the Holiday Inn Express, I was starting to go stir crazy. So when my alarm woke me up at 6.30am to get my train back to London today, I didn't mind one single bit. By 11am I was in my home, opening a ton of cheques from Jongleurs, suddenly the shows all seemed very worthwhile!

Nipped out for a few bits and pieces, then spent the afternoon getting my life back in order.

Now I'm sitting here after a lovely dinner, with a glass of Baileys over ice, a lovely clean flat and the promise of an exquisite day tomorrow.

I'm off to sunny South London for lunch with my bestest pal Stephen K Amos. He's done all the shopping and will do most of the cooking - gawd bless him! We've had a couple of Christmases together at my place but this is my first time dressing up and venturing out to his place, and I have to say, I am sooooooooo excited!

Whatever your plans folks, I wish you peace, success and happiness.


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