Monday, October 05, 2009

Chattin' Shit

Soooooo it's been far too long since I blogged and that is gonna change. I think doing the constant updates on Twitter (I'm MissJoJoSmith on there) have meant that blogging feels like I'm repeating myself, or something!

Anyway last week I did a load of gigs. Wednesday saw me hosting a Comedy Speed Dating night at Up The Creek. I'd never been to one before, so was fascinated to see how it works. I was pleasantly surprised to be really honest. Almost everyone was really young and attractive, and only a couple of the guys looked like rapists! There was also more men than women which surprised me immensely.

My job was to commentate on how thing were going between the 20-odd couples, but of course they were all so busy getting to know each other, that I was getting in the way really. At the end of the dating, everyone seemed really happy and one couple was snogging! Rob Collins did a set at the end and it was all a fabulous success I reckon.

Thursday saw me back in Greenwich for Up The Creek's 20th Birthday Party. It was a benefit for the Damelza Children's Hospice - a fantastic cause - and there was a right motley crew of comics there! Everyone from Chris Luby to the gorgeous Ninia Benjamin to Andrew Maxwell! Kevin McCarthy MC'd the opening section and I ended up being the first act on. I had a terrific time, really great fun. I stuck around for a couple of drinks and some delicious Thai food, along with a catch up with some of my most favourite people.

Friday and Saturday saw me at Battersea Jongleurs hosting fantastic bills on both nights. I had a real blast and even got a chance to see the fabulous Tara Flynn who turned up with her handsome fiance on Saturday night to watch the early show.

In the 90 minute break in between shows, myself, Nick Wilty and Rudi Lickwood were all interviewed by Phil Butler for the comedy podcast he does. I was dead impressed at how professional both the technology and his interviewing skills were. Listen to it yourself at or click on the title of this blog to go to the site. There's 14 other shows to catch up on!



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