Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm In The Future!!!!!!!

Kind of.

Wednesday night saw me off to my favourite place in London - Westfield - to see Toy Story 3 in the Vue cinema there. Me and my mate were off to an evening showing, in 3D no less!

I am old enough to remember the last time they tried to bring back 3D (not the first time tho, I think that was in the 50's) and it was shit back then. Jaws 3-D anyone?

This time round I'd not really seen the point in it, Avatar held no appeal whatsoever. I'm one of those old fashioned girls who needs a story as well as shiny things to stare at on the screen, so blue people flying about was never gonna have me high-tailing it to the local multiplex.

Toy Story, however, is a very different matter. I saw and loved the first one, but for some reason totally missed the second one. Anyway when Tracy suggested seeing TS3 I said yeah and booked these tickets.

The glasses have improved, they're more like a Primark version of Ray Ban, than the flimsy cardboard with one red and one green lens of my youth. The seats in the cinema were fabulous and great position. I have to admit I was excited!

The trailers began and all of them were in 3D. It was magnificent! All kinds of stuff flying towards my face, incredibly "real".

By the time Toy Story started, I was used to the glasses and it didn't seem strange anymore that things were bouncing off the screen. Another reason for this might well have been the story. Hats off to the writers, it was funny, poignant, insightful and just a celebration of childhood!

I'd expected to sob my heart out from start to finish, but miraculously I didn't! I did cry quite hard at the end but they were positive tears.

Its been out for a few weeks, but if you haven't seen it, do.



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