Thursday, September 21, 2006

EeeeyOooop and Begorrah

Today I head off to do my last four dates with Puppetry of the Penis.

It's a train up to Southport, home of the man I had my first ever crush on. As opposed to the numerous popstars I had crushes on when I was young, this guy was real, he was years older than me and fueled my teenage fantasies from the age of 16 for a couple of years. I remember when we did finally get it together, it was a massive disappointment.

Just goes to show, never sleep with your teenage crushes!

Tomorrow we head off to the glamourous Blackpool International Airport, and fly to Dublin for two shows.

That'll be interesting as 9 or 10 years ago I was banned from performing at The Laughter Lounge in the city and I haven't been back since. Who knows? Maybe they won't let me in the country!

Why did they ban me? Surely I must've done something terribly outrageous? Well no, I did my act, simple as that. Bearing in mind I was on a bill with two guys who made comments about The Pope and nuns, to me it seemed a bit off that I was the one that got the complaints!

The story goes that two people were so horrified by me, the went to the police. The club was contacted by the Guarda who said that there would be two plain clothes officers in the audience the next night and if I went on, I'd be arrested and the club shut down. I'm a regular Lenny Bruce me!

The late, great Malcom Hardee was booking the acts so it fell to him to give me the news in his own inimitable way 'Oi Oi girl, it's all gone tits up' were his words.

The reality I suspect was a lot less dramatic, the place had only been open a month and the old boy who ran it had never seen a female comedian. I guess I seemed like The Whore of Babylon to him.

Anyway, I am not expecting any hassle this time, after all if you go to a show where two men play with their willies for an hour, a fiesty bird introducing them isn't gonna be too much of a shock, is it?

Sunday we fly back to Blackpool for a show at The Grand Theatre. I am very excited about this as I grew up about 20 miles away and I saw David Essex perform on this very stage many, many moons ago.

It's a real buzz to think I'll be standing on that same stage as my first real childhood least I had the sense not to shag him, so the memories are still intact.

Finally, I just wanna give a massive shout out to my pal Gina Yashere who did a sterling job hosting last night's Mobo's, which went out live. Talk about nerve-wracking stuff! Good to see her working the Lily Allen look of posh frock and trainers...suits ya girl!

Have a great weekend people xx


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