Friday, March 07, 2008

Getting Organised...

... for my big surgery thang next week!

What a week I've had, running around all over the shop, getting my nails done, stocking up on heavy items like washing powder and stuff that I won't be able to carry for a few weeks, getting my eyebrow tattoos leveled up, clearing out my wardrobe and donating two huge bags of nearly new but too-big-for-me clothes to TK Maxx's Cancer campaign, sorting out my 'junk' cupboard, catching up with friends...phew!

Yesterday I walked the two miles from my house to St Mary's Hospital in Paddington to have a Bone Density Scan - now that I am officially middle aged things like that need to be done. I decided that I couldn't rely on the bus cos there's so many roadworks going on round by me, so figured I'd walk halfway then get a bus, but before I knew it I was walking the whole way! Now to those of you who are healthy, this is a trifling distance, but it's like me doing a marathon! I can't recall ever walking that far! It took me about 20 mins which is quicker than the bus too! The scan was easy and painless and I'll know in two weeks' time if I am likely to develop osteoporosis.

After that it was off to Camden again for my second visit to Garry Trainer the world's greatest osteopath. My neck was still giving me gyp and I wanted that sorting out too. As I sat and waited for Garry, chatting to his missus and petting his mad dog, who emerged from the treatment room but the gorgeous Jude Law! He was very dressed down in a pair of really cool blue Adidas trackie bottoms and a t-shirt plus a glowing tan, and tho I have no idea why he was seeing Garry, he sure looked good! 

What struck me the most, was how tall and hunky he looked. The reason it seemed odd was that I saw him in Soho about 6 years ago - when I was at my largest ever, a whopping 22 stones! - and he looked tiny to me then! I guess its all perspective eh? Either that or he's grown and bulked out!

Sooooooo, that's my mad week so far, I'm off to Watford Jongleurs tonight via NikeTown at Oxford Circus cos I got an email saying the Nike i-D's I designed about 3 weeks ago have arrived, and I am really looking forward to going to work... after the running around all week, it'll be peaceful!



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