Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Where Do I Begin??????

OK I have damn near two weeks' worth of stuff to tell you all about, so I guess it makes sense to go right back to the start and break it down.

Gig wise, I've had some crackers. I had a brilliant night up at Leeds Jongleurs, then I did a set (my new set!) at Reading Jongleurs both the weekend before last. I can't tell you how energising it is to have tons of new jokey jokes!

Post surgery I MC'd Camden Jongleurs last weekend. The line up was fantastic - gorgeous Greg Davies who makes me feel all petite and girly, mainly cos when he hugs me my face hits the middle of his chest, we also had Tony Hendricks, Geoff Boyz, Jason John Whitehead who I've not seen perform for ages and who was just a sheer joy to behold, and the 'so amazing its terrifying' Jack Whitehall. I first saw Jack doing a set at the Hospital in Covent Garden and couldn't believe that this mere babe in arms was capable of such confidence and terrific material. He's 19 and going places extraordinarily fast believe me! He did the open spot both nights and just killed the crowds with his charm and gags.

Sunday night saw me hitching a ride with Kevin Shepherd to do a gig in a leisure centre in Milton Keynes. It also happened to be my 15th anniversary as a comedian. I'd been booked by special request apparently and was down to do a 40 minute set. I had loads of new stuff that I wanted to try out so I was really looking forward to it. The money wasn't great, but it didn't matter, it'd be great to have the space and time to play around and work in the new stuff, including some Amy Winehouse stuff I'd come up with over the weekend, that I was dying to do again!

We got there to find the bar heaving with people watching the Euro Football final - who would've thought a newtown could produce so many Spanish and German fans? Sadly the crowd that were waiting for comedy numbered two. Yep two people had bought tickets and so they pulled the show. I have to be honest, I was relieved they didn't try and press gang people into watching to make the numbers up, but it was a damn shame cos I really, really wanted to do the show! I'd even put my make-up on!!!!

Its a bloody good job I haven't got a massive ego that's for sure! I'd have been crushed for weeks!

In other news, I've been a bit social. I went to my pal Micky Flannagan's wedding down in Greenwich which was a beautiful day out. His gorgeous missus Catherine was just glowing and Micky had scrubbed up well, but the one with the real 'wow' factor is Max, his fabulous son! He's all blonde curls and cherubic face and just scrumptious!

I also had a wonderful trip to the Regent's Park Open Air Theatre to see my great friend Stephen K Amos doing his comedy. It was my first time at the Theatre and it was amazing! What a great space! Shame nobody thought to warn me about how cold it gets tho! Thank God Steve was funny, the laughs kept me from hard-core hypothermia!

The night was rounded off with cocktails at the Dorchester darling! We were taken there - some of us in a chauffer driven car - by one of Steve's friends and what a perfect way to round off the night. My first time in the Dorchester too!

The next day I went to get my carpal tunnel sliced at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, and in this time of firsts, I had my first ever operation under local anasthetic. I can't tell you how freaky that is! Being awake and aware of the surgeon cutting at my hand and tugging on the carpal tunnel itself in order to rid me of the RSi! I could even tell when she was doing the stitches! It went so smoothly, I got the bus home! How mad is that? I've spent the last 9 days wearing a rubber glove on my right hand whenever I need to go near water, and I have to sleep on my back, but other than that there's no hardship really. Other than not being able to type for long enough to do my blog!

In keeping with the theme of a time of "firsts", I also had my first ever colonic irrigation last Thursday! A delicate, softly spoken lady called Victoria made what was potentially an incredibly embarrassing situation seem as normal as it possibly could be, and cliche of cliches an hour later I really did feel like a HUGE weight had been lifted off my shoulders! Well maybe a bit lower down than my shoulders but you get the idea. The next morning when I got on the scales I'd lost 4lbs too! I guess I truly was full of shit!



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