Wednesday, February 09, 2011

So Here's The Deal....

I go into the ashram tomorrow morning and I have no idea if I'll be getting online much if at all, so if this all goes quiet, don't panic I've not been abducted!

Since the death of my Dad and my good friend Jason Wood a year ago this month, my life hasn't had a whole lot of meaning and I guess that's why I'm doing what I'm doing. I think maybe the best way to do that is to cut myself off from the world outside and focus on healing.

Having said that, if there's free wi-fi I'll be blogging, Tweeting and FaceBooking like a mofo!

Take it easy people xx



Blogger Fiona M Chapelle said...

YOU are doing the right thing. I wish you the very best for your time at the ashram.

Forget about us if it suits you anyway, Wifi or not!

I will think of you often *and a couple of slightly envious ones *chuckles**, and send you warm healing vibes. You will come out a new, refreshed and more focussed person.

*Many Blessings*

12:18 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi JoJo

I would suggest that you switch off from the outside world completely for a while. When I ordained here part of the deal was to completely cut off; no TV, radio, newspapers, mobile phones, email, books other than Buddhist books, music, or any other unnecessary sensory input. It was much like a food diet except for the mind. Initially my mind craved stimulation and all that sensory input and it was a real struggle but after a few days the cravings started to abate and with it came an intense calm, a calm that I have never experienced before or since. The longer I was there, the calmer and the more 'in tune with the universe' I became (apologises for the wanky tree-hugger language). I often regret leaving when I did and I see myslef going back at some point. I think the thing is, you can Twitter and FB any time so why not make the decision to not do any of it for at least a month. Cut off from the radio, TV, nonsense books, music, etc, and just let your mind BE for a while. When you do this things happen that are difficult to explain and you will feel amazing.

Lots of love and good luck

12:52 pm  

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