Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ryan Fucking Gosling!!!!

EDIT: My research shows that this photo wasn't taken this morning at the market but taken a week ago somewhere here in Bangkok. It was originally posted on the site 

    HOLD THE FRONT PAGE ETC! This photo was allegedly taken at the market this morning - Not by me I hasten to add. He's changed his vest in it!

    So then, it’s my first full day in Bangkok and just like I do whenever I am here on a weekend I went to Chatuchak Market. It’s an immense market - the size of Hull - that I’ve blogged about many, many times so I’m not gonna go into major detail here about how brilliant it is. Safe to say, if you ever find yourself in this brilliant city on a weekend you owe it to yourself to visit.
    Anyway, last week when the Golden Globes was on, I saw a clip where George Clooney said that Ryan Gosling couldn’t be at the awards because he was in Thailand ‘earning extra cash’ - the inference being he was working as a ladyboy in a Patpong bar here in town.
    I read the comment and thought ‘how mad that my latest crush is in the country I’m heading too.’ I followed that thought with ‘it’s an enormous country, with millions of people and the chances of me seeing him are a gazillion to one’.
    Nevertheless I joked on Twitter just before my plane took off ‘on my way to Bangkok to see Ryan Gosling. Hang on baby, I’m a coming’. I even had a little daydream about bumping into him and him realising he couldn't live without me and us buggering off to Phi Phi Island for mad rumpy pumpy.
    So that’s the backstory. Here’s what happened at 11am this morning…
    I was wandering in the covered bit of the market that sells all the old Levis 501’s, vintage t-shirts etc when I spot a blonde woman with a very professional looking camera filming in one of the stalls. Being a nosy old hag I look in and see this tall, blond-ish guy in nerd glasses looking at the t-shirts. He had a bunch of them in his hand. 
    My camera was in my hand because I was taking photos of the market for a little Sabotage Times piece, and this Thai woman said ‘no photos’. I started to explain and then I spotted that tattoo on the man’s upper arm (he was wearing a beige-y coloured vest). All of time slowed down. As I stared at the tattoo, he turned around to face me (and the camera), it was him! It was Ryan Fucking Gosling!!!!!!!

    I spoke to the Thai girl who said he was here ‘doing a big production’  whatever that means, then the woman with the camera turned it off and stepped to one side. Now was my chance. 
    I walked up and without drawing breath said ‘Hi Ryan, I’m JoJo Smith, a comedian from London and I’d really love to get my photo taken with you’.
    He smiled and said ‘Naw, I’m not doing pictures cos I’m on vacation’. Thinking about how nobody who’s listened to me blether on about him for the last 3 months would believe me without a photo, I gave it one last shot saying ‘it would really mean a lot to me’. But he didn’t weaken, saying ‘if I do one, then I’ll have to do more’. I said ‘fair enough’ and he said ‘thanks for understanding JoJo, good luck’ and stroked my right arm!
    The weird thing was, apart from his ‘people’, me and a couple of stall holders nobody else had spotted him, so the photo wouldn’t have really been a big deal but I guess he gets it all the time. Whenever anyone asks me for a photo I always say yes, cos why the hell not really. Now of course part of me wishes I’d just snapped one before anyone realised what I was doing, but I wanted to be in the picture with him, so there ya go. 
    I’m here till Monday case you’re reading this and wanna make it up to me Ryan. 



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