Friday, April 14, 2006

Back to Life, Back to Reality

So I am very much back in London now. The cold, the rain, the wind...makes the 36 degree heat of Bangkok seem like a very, very distant memory.

The week has been spent washing clothes, getting hair and nails fixed, catching up with friends and trying to sort out the jet-lag. It's hit me worse than ever before, even coming back from Melbourne didn't knacker me out like this has.

The peace of mind I found in Thailand is lasting, tho it's been seriously challenged by all the mundane things in life that annoy us, like crowds of tourists getting lost on Oxford Street and stopping in the middle of the pavement without warning to look at their maps. But, so far I've managed to go about my business with a smile on my face, I realised while I was away just how closed off I'd become, my face set, if not into a permanent scowl then at the very least impassive. I've noticed that if you smile as you go about your day, people react differently. I don't mean a big grin that would send people scurrying away in the opposite direction and get you a whole tube carriage to yourself, but just a pleasant upturn of the lips.

Gawd I have gone all peace and love haven't I? Tonight is my first gig for 3 weeks, and to be really honest I'm a bit nervous. Will my new-found peace affect my ability to be sharp and witty? Will talking about my vag lose it's appeal? Oh well I'll know the answer in 8 hours' time.


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