Thursday, June 14, 2007

From The Sublime ....

to the downright ridiculous!

So complete with jet-lag and the remenants of my dodgy Hong Kong belly, I found myself in Soho on Tuesday night to do a gig at the Comedy Camp.

It's always a fun gig but my bed was calling me too.

To add to my considerable discomfort I was informed that a critic was coming along to review me...not a proper newspaper one but a website one. This person's opinion has little respect amongst comics, and I knew before they turned up what they would make of me.

I had great fun with the gig, and so did the boys in the audience, and I really wanted to stick around to watch Kitty Flannagan who was closing but I could barely keep my eyes open.

So this afternoon the "critic" finally got around to posting the review. My god! I wasn't expecting to be liked but to read this you woulda thought I'd ripped off their head and shat down their neck then murdered their whole family!!!!!

Such bitterness and bile is soooooo unbecoming in any human being.

Before I did this I used to review bands, and sometimes I was sent to review bands I didn't like, some of them I really really disliked, and while I couldn't rave about them I never went to extremes recording in my displeasure.

To read such nastiness and personal abuse by someone who doesn't know me (if they did it might've been justified!) really saddens me, I hope that this person gets some professional help to deal with whatever terrible thing happened to them in their past. It must be dreadful to be them.

From a Buddhist perspective, this is karmic payback for slagging off Kajagoogoo in Smash Hits in 1983! C'est la vie!



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