Monday, March 31, 2008

I Am...

the same size as a Gap 13 year old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How mad is that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I know its dead shallow and a bit anorexicky to obsess about body size, but f**k me! I was the size of a house this time last year, so I reckon I'm allowed to enjoy this without anyone getting overly concerned!

I've been joking that my titties are like a 13 year old's now that Mr Stanek has worked his magic, but there was no-one more gobsmacked than me as I slipped into a pair of Age 13 combats from the Gap and got em done up with no problems whatsoever! Added bonus, they were £7.99 in the sale and no VAT!

That was my cue to stock up on a whole heap of really fabulous, great quality and very cheap t-shirts too!

I'm off to see about getting the rest of the loose skin removed on the NHS, by the end of the year it could all be done and dusted!



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