Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Me? A MILF???????????

So, in a desperate attempt to emulate the success of the Arctic Monkeys I went and got myself a profile on The story goes that their massive success is down to being on that site, loads of people raved about em and their first single went into the charts at Number 1.

Now I ain't expecting to be invited on Top of the Pops, but who knows? I might get the odd corporate gig out of it. Or so I thought. Turns out, according to this month's Vanity Fair, is the world's biggest pulling site! That would explain the amount of 'unusual' emails I've been getting. Not one has mentioned my comedy, or asked where I'm doing my next gig, but a fair few have asked me if I'd like to watch them wank naked on their webcams!

Now, believe me, I am no prude, but I really cannot think of anything sadder than sitting in my flat watching some bloke in Turkey or Shepherd's Bush pullin' his pudding! Men's genetalia are not attractive at the best of times, seeing a grainy, stilted moving picture of some geezer naked with his old bollocks hanging down like a turkey neck really doesn't float my boat.

The best, and I have to say most flattering, of all the wierd emails came yesterday, inviting me to join the North London MILF group! For those of you who don't know, MILF is an acronym for Mother I'd Like to F**k. While I am kinda chuffed that some young guy wants me to join his group, I fail to qualify on two counts. One, I'm in Central London, not North, and two, I haven't got any kids. Shame really, what do you call a MILF who aint an M?

Oh time for a big shout out to my comedy sister Gina Yashere, she's doing a fab new show on Radio 2 and added a link to my website on her website which has greatly improved my daily visitor totals. Cheers girlfriend.

One last thing, check out the site below. Dunno if it really does belong to the White House, but the posters just about sum up American policy towards their own people and the rest of the world. Enjoy.

You'll have to cut and paste as I am rubbish at all this techy stuff.


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