Friday, March 10, 2006

Road to Hell

Still reeling from watching Michael Winterbottom's 'Road to Guantanamo' on C4 last night. Those poor boys! As if growing up in Tipton wasn't bad enough! It was horrific to see how being in the wrong place at the wrong time - no matter how good your intentions - can totally transform your life.

The MySpace weird emails saga continues, now I seem to be getting lots of letters from men in the US who want to marry me on the strength of seeing my photo! One reckons he is off to work with 'motherless babies in Africa' next month and he wants me to go with him, cos he needs someone to take care of him while he's saving the world from aids! Now don't get me wrong, its a wonderful thing to do, devote your life to helping others, but when a man uses it as a chat-up line, it just seems wrong. Add to that, he wrote the entire letter in capitals. I don't think I'll be marrying him after all.

I'm off on another jet set adventure today, to do a couple of gigs in Edinburgh. I always find it odd being up there outside of the festival, it feels like a ghost town. The gigs are always fun tho, and I have some new material I'm dying to try out, so its all pretty exciting.

One thing I am not so excited about tho is the method of getting there. The club pays for the travel and they fly us up there, which sounds wonderful, but when you look at the details it becomes less so. I'm flying on EasyJet out of Luton (I know! Contain your jealousy). Having worked out the timings, the trip door to door will take 5hrs and 45 mins - assuming the flight takes off on time. The train from Kings Cross takes five hours and no queuing! I think next time I'll ask if they'll get me a train ticket!

Anyway I'd better go and pack, I have to work out a way to take my Rabbit without it causing a major security alert! Have a good weekend folks.


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