Wednesday, June 21, 2006


So the Daily Mirror filled its pages with photos of my old mate Craig Charles smoking was "appreared to be crack cocaine' today. This resulted in him being immediately suspended from Corrie, which is a bit odd, as at this stage they have no proof that that's what he was actually doing.

I suspect it'll all go away rather like the "Cocaine" Kate Moss incident. A photo is not proof enough it seems.

What I really don't get is why anyone would take any kind of illegal substance in front of anybody else these days. Everyone has mobiles with cameras, and its all to easy to snap a few compromising piccys isn't it?

I daresay Kate and Craig both thought they were in the company of friends when they chose to inhale "substances" from either a beer can or through a £20 note, but bear in mind the company they were keeping, perhaps they ought to choose their pals a bit more wisely.

I've known Craig for over 20 years and even supported him on tour about eight years ago. Haven't seen a whole lot of him in the past few years, but from what I know of him, he's smart, kind and generous.

I hope he's got more sense than to be doing crack, if anything it's a young person's drug and he's 41 for god's sake!


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