Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Deja Vu

So as Monday is my Saturday, I had a blissful day yesterday, took my time getting up, did a bit of tidying, spoke to my Dad and my bestest pal, then headed into town to see a film with my bestest movie-going pal, Paul.

These days we are not that organised and these movie trips are less frequent, they are also sabotaged by the fact that once we've finally decided what we want to see, we've missed the start time.

Yesterday was very different tho, within 20 minutes of meeting up at Virgin in Piccadilly Circus we were ensconsed in the luxury of the massive Odeon Leicester Square about to watch The Departed.

Unless you've been in a coma the last couple of weeks you will know that this has had rave reviews, Martin Scorcese's latest epic, all star cast including Leo DiCaprio and Mat Damon, yadda yadda yadda.

What I hadn't read anywhere when I skimmed the reviews is that its a remake of the Hong Kong thriller Infernal Affairs which I had watched on Film4 a couple of months ago and totally loved.

Halfway through the film I started thinking "I've seen this". Initially I told myself I must've just seen clips on Film 2006 or something, but as it continued I got this really weird deja vu feeling. It wasn't till about 90 minutes it that I finally realised it was Infernal Affairs! Dozy cow or what?

Comparing the two, I have to say the original comes out on top, but there are performances in The Departed that just blew me away. Specifically Jack Nicholson's. He was mesmerising, I was totally awestruck whenever he was on screen, and goddammit, I still would, would, would even tho he's ancient now!

On the JoJo Smith patented film rating scale where enjoyment of the movie is counteracted by me wanting to nip out for a smoke - 0 fags being an excellent movie best ever in the world of cinema and 5 fags being a pile of steaming cack - The Departed rates a very impressive 1 fag. And to be really honest it only got that cos it was a two and a half hour movie, half an hour shorter and I would've given it a 0.

Totally brilliant, well worth every penny of the £12.50 they charged us to get in, go see this movie right now!


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