Thursday, October 12, 2006

There's A First Time For Everything

So, last night I did my first ever stand-up gig for television.

In 13 years of doing comedy I've never been asked to do my act on telly cos I've always been considered too rude for the sensitive eyes and ears of the British viewing public.

Well it appears the world has caught up with me and about 5 weeks ago I got an email from a lovely man called Cameron who wanted to know if I'd be interested in appearing on a forthcoming Paramount Comedy Channel series called Comedy Blue. He said it was a celebration of filth and for some reason my name came up (Thanks Addison!).

I jumped at the chance, and there I was last night in the Corn Exchange Theatre in Brighton doing what I do best.

It was a brilliant line-up - Lucy Porter, Rich Hall, Dave Johns, Craig Campbell, Mick Ferry, John Forthergill, Brendan Burns, Dave Foulton, Craig Hill and the very classy and very filthy Mike Wilmot hosting - and the spirit was one of mutual support and encouragement.

The production team were really cool and laid back, which relaxed me as I'd woken up a bag of nerves. Best of all I got to go on second which meant the audience - who were somewhat depleted in numbers due to the fools who stayed home to watch England lose against Croatia - were all fresh and not at all filthed out.

I was a bit nervous, but as one of my gags got a good laugh from the crew during the soundcheck, I was pretty confident I could do it. I guess not having to censor myself at all meant that I could treat it as any other gig.

The make up lady made me look stunning - tho by the time I got back to my flat I looked like a demented drag queen - and my outfit was all black and elegant just like Denzil Washington's cock, and the whole entire experience was just incredible.

Apart from Mr Fothergill and myself, the rest of the gang were staying over, so John and I buggered off and got the train with my new best friend Sarah.

As first times go, the whole thing was a cracking experience.


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