When The Euphoria Fades

Hmmmmmm what a week so far. I've spent every day until today doubled up with the most excrutiating pain in and around the site of the op.
Sunday I was up with the lark-ish and all set to wander around Camden Market, when the rain came down and cancelled that idea. I went out anyway, down to Spa NK in Westbourne Grove on a quest for Dr Brandt's Water Booster drops (supposed to be as good for you as 15 cups of green tea), when out of nowhere I had this stabbing pain in my stomach.
I really mean stabbing too, it was like someone had come up behind me and plunged a knife into my belly. I couldn't breathe, could barely walk, I was feeling sick and shakey. I quickly turned around and headed home, to lay in bed with the papers and try not to think of what it could be.
As we all know by now I can be a bit of a drama queen, so I laid in bed in agony convinced that the staples had become detached, that the bit where they attached my small intestine had come away from the new tummy, all kinds of horrific scenarios.
I tried eating and not eating, but neither made a difference and by Monday I was really scared. I rang the hospital and left word for one of the doctor's to get back to me. Five hours later I'd still heard nothing, so I called the ward I was on and got someone right away. I described the pain, and was told to take two paracetemol. God bless the NHS eh? All those years of training weren't wasted!
To cut a long story short, it culminated with me spending most of yesterday in bed, dosing up on dissolvable pain killers, and reading horror stories on the net about the negative side effects of this op.
This morning however, I feel f**king amazing! I've lost another 2lbs, and the pain has gone completely! Now that that I can think rationally, I suspect it was something to do with perhaps the internal stitches dissolving, and just generally the scars from the op settling down, after all it has only been four weeks since it was done. I do also think there's an element of the post-op euphoria fading, I've been on such a high since it happened. I reckon that at the first sign of anything being less than perfect I was bound to freak out!
I'm dead chuffed it's stopped as I am off to the seaside later, I'm doing a gig in sunny Southend tonight - not been there for a while! Then tomorrow and Saturday I'm doing my favourite London gig - Up The Creek - I can't wait!
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