
Sooooo after a fab time at The Funny Side of Covent Garden on Wednesday night, I was up bright and early to get to Leeds on Thursday for a weekend of gigs at Jongleurs.
The train journey was painless enough, and the hotel we stay in up there is (usually) fabulous. I got to my room and was a bit dismayed to see I'd been given what they euphamistically call an 'Access' room. What that means is, a sink at knee level, two emergency cords to pull, and no sodding bathtub!
Turns out that as we get a special rate for our rooms, we also get the rooms they have most trouble renting out. I was informed there were no other rooms available, but when Dave Johns checked in a few hours later he was given a bathtub room, so that was obviously a load of old tosh.
Determined to be positive I decided not to dwell on the fact that my legs continue to remain hairy till I do my next weekend away, and look forward to the gigs. The line up was fantastic, Andy White, Andy Askins and Dave Johns, with me in my comfort zone as MC.
It was great to see everyone again, and the first time I'd spent any real time with Andy White. In fact it was the first time I'd watched him perform, he's fantastic.
The gigs on Thursday and Friday night were pretty good, we all did the business, but they weren't up there in the top 10 of all time Leeds' shows. Saturday night they have two shows and these are usually pretty tough, but not this weekend. We all had a pair of cracking gigs....they were such fun.
The rest of the time was spent shopping, I got a pair of jeans and half a dozen tops from Primark and various other shops for less than £50...being average size is soooooooooo much cheaper! The jeans were only £6!
The journey home yesterday was a classic British railway Sunday trip. For reasons known only to themselves, GNER had decided not to run trains to London, so it was the Midland Mainline Magical Mystery Tour. Towns visited included Sheffield, Leicester, Market Harborough, Bedford and about a trillion others.
Four hours and an aching ass later (aching from the sitting, nothing untoward) I emerged into the bright sunlight of St Pancras.
I was knackered after the trip and the early start - not to mention doing 5 gigs in 4 days! - so I went for a nap at 4.30. Woke up at 5.45 this morning!!!!!!!! The dinner that I had left out to thaw still sitting on the kitchen counter, the washing machine full of the weekend's clothes waiting to be hung up to dry.
I cannot remember the last time I slept that long, but I must've needed it, cos I feel fantastic this morning! And while I wouldn't advocate missing meals, this morning on the scales I have lost the grand total of 60lbs since mid January.
Off to meet Gina for lunch for a massive catch up, aint seen her since December, can't wait!
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