Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Harry Potter's Cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've seen it!!!!!!!!!

As a lady never tells, all I will say is it's perfectly in proportion to the rest of him.

Yep last night I got me a bit more cultcha. Me and my pal Paul went off to the Gielgud Theatre to see Equus, and while I am no Nick de Jongh, I can say it was a thrilling performance.

The scary horses on their Vivienne Westwood-esqe hooves, the minimalist set which worked so brilliantly, the lighting and staging, Richard Griffiths' brilliant performance, all of it worked wonderfully.

I know less about theatre than I do about art and I'll be the first to admit that it was a photo of young Mr Radcliffe on the Holy Moly website that inspired me to get the tickets, but I do know it held me spellbound for the entire time.

Daniel Radcliffe was amazing, even when he had his clothes on, he's a great actor. I've never seen a Harry Potter movie so this was my first experience of him as a performer, and I was definitely impressed.

Mind you it to use a well-known quote, 'You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think', after the curtain calls, Paul who knows about these things said 'It was brilliantly directed. My first post-play comment.... 'I think he had a semi on'!

God I am so, so, so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!



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