Friday, May 04, 2007


This week has been a pretty good one, a time for planning the future, remembering the past, and taking stock of the present.

I've spent quality time with really good friends, thank you Mickey, Lesley and Sarah, I've finally begun to deal with something that has been pissing me off for years, I've remembered my Mum who's birthday it would've been last Wednesday, and I've exercised like a bugger. Who knew I could walk so far???

Times like this, peaceful times, mean that issues I've been avoiding come up and I have to deal with them in a calm, methodical way. This is a new skill to me, one I am still very much learning to be honest!

This week however, I haven't just reacted, obviously I did a little bit of drama queen hysterics, then I thought about how I could deal with those issues. I feel really proud of myself.

Weight loss wise I am on one of the periodical hiatuses, this happened last month too where I didn't lose an ounce for a few days, then lost a load in one hit, so I aint letting that get to me either. I'm looking waaaaaay better than I did at the start of the year, and as far as I am concerned, the only way is up.

Off to Portsmouth in a bit to do some gigs at Jongleurs. The sun is shining and it'll feel like a mini-break.

Whatever you're up to I hope you have a cracker.



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