Wednesday, July 25, 2007


So just watched the first two episodes of the mega-hyped series, and I have to say I'm mildly hooked. Having listened to numerous people raving on about it when it was on the Sci-Fi channel - I don't have Sky the digi-box suits me fine, I can always find enough crap to numb my brain on there! - I was curious to see if it was indeed "better than Prison Break and Lost put together".

Seeing as I gave up halfway through series one on both of those I can't say I'm holding out much hope of seeing the conclusion of this either! Not because it's not entertaining, but because it's too much commitment! I didn't even start watching 24 cos I knew I didn't have 24 straight weeks to devote to it.

I do like the premise that ordinary people can be extra-ordinary tho, I have a few people like that in my life. They can't fly or mend multiple broken bones but I have some heroes, people who inspire me, and for that I feel really lucky.

So thank you Gina, Oge, Mat, Sarah, and many others. All of you inspire me in different ways, you show me what life is all about.



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