Friday, July 27, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

Was fantastic! Soooo funny. For once a movie lives up to the hype.

I went to see it yesterday at my (semi) local flea pit The Coronet, and on the way in it never crossed my mind that there might be kids in there. I'd forgotten that it was a cartoon! Homer and co just seem so much more real than any other tv family. From the opening credits to the closing ones there's just laugh after laugh, lots of sight gags, its just really smart.

On the JoJo patented 'Fag Test Film Review' scale it was a 0, meaning that not once did I lose interest in what was going on on-screen to think about wanting a ciggie.

Today's starting off promising, the sun is out, and apparently its gonna stay out for ages (well till Sunday) so I can wear summery clothes for the gigs at Bow this weekend...I get to sleep in my own bed...hurrah!



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