Friday, February 01, 2008

Day 17...

... off the cigarettes!!!!!!!!!

Yay me! I have to say it really is easy with Allen Carr, even tho I am getting the odd 'pang' of nicotine withdrawal, its not like I really want to smoke! Here's hoping I can stay mindful of how easy it would be to get hooked again. There really is no such thing as 'just the one' that won't do any harm is there?

In other news, well this morning I did something I never thought I'd ever be able to do, something even more extreme than stopping smoking after being a committed 40 a dayer.

I did 40 - yes 40 - sit-ups!!!!!!!! 

I think I musta been about 12 the last time I did one sit-up and it involved a PE teacher sitting on my feet and pulling me up. Over the years I've occasionally made an attempt at doing one, only to end-up about half an inch off the ground, red-faced and sweating and feeling like my heart would burst.

Not this morning tho. This morning I tucked my feet under the sofa, and thought 'give it a go'. It worked! I did 20 in the first go, then did some leg things, then did another 10, then some reverse crunches, then another 10!!!! How fantastic. I glided up to the sitting position, it wasn't a big deal, no sweating and puffing, almost elegant! Having said that, the last four sit-ups were bloody hard going, my thigh muscles were quivering as they took some of the strain off my stomach muscles. But, I did it! And I am gonna keep doing em, till they get as easy as the crunches are now.

Check me out, I'm like one of those fit, skinny beeeyatches!



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