Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Here We Go!!!!!!!!!!!

So folks after a fabulous weekend in Reading with a great bunch of guys, I've spent the last two days getting my shit together for my trip to Malaysia.

I got everything out that I wanted to take, and spent 36 hours editing it down, basically I put about 2/3rds of the stuff back. I got all these gorgeous summer clothes that are like new considering the summer we've had! There's also cultural considerations to take into account, as its a Muslim country, not that I was planning to wear batty riders and boob tube to the nearest temple anyway!

I've been waxed and plucked to within an inch of my life cos after Friday, bending over to shave my legs is gonna be out of the question for a couple of weeks at least. Perhaps I should explain - for the casual reader! - I'm going to Kuala Lumpur to have the rest of the skin that fitted my size 26 body, altered to fit my new size 8 one! After the surgery and about 10 days to recover, I fly up to Malaysian Borneo to spend a week at an orang-utan sanctuary! I am so excited about that part. 

Truth be told, I'm excited about the whole trip, life is an adventure but the last two years have been a really huge adventure and this is the latest stage. Who knows what could happen?

Well you, dear reader, will know cos I'll be posting regularly while I'm out there thanks to my sexy, lightweight MacBook Air!



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