Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Four Days In A Row!!!!!!!

Blimey the London heatwave continues!

Yesterday afternoon was spent in fabulous company. It was John Fothergill's 40th birthday booze up, and it wasn't until I was on the tube heading towards Picadilly Circus that I decided to go! I was on my way to Sainsbury's, but thought 'sod it, be spontaneous' and I'm so glad I did.

Over the course of the day various people came and went, but the hardcore posse of Michael Smiley, Mickey Hutton, Rich the soundman from Reading Jongleurs, Johnny Candon, John (of course) and his brother, seemed to be out for the day. We went up to Chinatown for some food and more and more people arrived - Adam Bloom, Ed Byrne, the list goes on. It was just the best fun hanging out with these guys, even if I technically wasn't 'out' out. On leaving the restaurant we bumped into Andre Vincent and Jim Jeffries and wandered off to another pub.

Everyone noticed my weight loss which was a nice little ego boost, even if I was dressed in my 'grocery shopping' clothes and not my 'going out' clothes, I didn't even have any make up on!

When I left at 7.30 the guys looked like they were settled in for a long one, but by that time I'd had enough orange juice to last me a lifetime! The perils of being a non-drinker!



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