Sunday, May 13, 2007

Teams That Meet In Caffs

The title for this blog is one of my favourite Dexys' tunes and kinda apt as I was performing in a caff this weekend.

The Comedy Cafe in Rivington St is rapidly becoming one of my top five venues to play. I've only recently started doing it again, but everything about it makes me look forward to a weekend there. The staff from Wayne the manager to Dalton the doorman are soooooo sweet and seem genuinely happy to see you when you arrive.

The audiences are generally really great, and I get to work with people I don't see a lot of. This weekend was no exception, Drew Barr was MC'ing and did a fantastic job. He was his usual charming self, the compliments flowing thick and fast...enough to turn a girl's head! Dougie Dunlop was also on and I love watching him work, he's got some great material and his take on his family is inspirational. Hal Cruttenden never disappoints, and his enthusiasm on and offstage is infectious.

I was doing sets and was a bit nervous, but had three crackers in a row. Last night the crowd were on the verge of hysteria, it was a bit disconcerting to be honest...I felt like Madonna!

The early summer seems to have retreated this morning, but no mind...I'm off for a lovely lunch and an afternoon at the movies with a good idea what we're gonna see, but then that's the beauty of life innit? You just never know what's around the corner.



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