Thursday, October 25, 2007

Big Willies and Massive Cracks!!!!!!

Sooooo yesterday I headed off to the Tate Modern to see the Louise Bourgois exhibition.

The first time she entered my stratosphere was about 20 years ago when I saw a Robert Mapplethorpe photo of her holding what appeared to be a huge dismembered penis under her arm.

I saw her one of her Spiders when the Tate first opened and another at the Guggenheim in Bilbao over the years, but I'd never seen any of her other work till yesterday.

Its a really comprehensive collection of her life's work and totally brilliant! I walked around the rooms with a huge grin on my face the entire time. I love her seriousness as well as her playfulness, there's a series called Personages which are similar to the sculptures of Giacometti, they're like skinny totem poles and there's one in particular that really made me smile. It's called Persistent Antagonism, and according to Louise it 'refers to sex, men showing off their penises. It is irritating. The macho bit is irritating. I have nothing against the penis. It is the wearer of the penis'

I giggled for ages at that quote, it reminded me of an old bit of material I used to do around the time of the Lorena and John Wayne Bobbit story, when I used to say she threw the wrong bit away!

After I'd seen all of her marvellous work I had a little wander round the Turbine Hall to check out Doris Salcedo's installation... aka the big crack. It's about how society is divided etc etc. I guess intellectually she has a point, but I watched all the kids playing on it, bridging the gap between the sides and if she is right, perhaps there's hope for us all eh?

The brilliant day was topped by a call from Jongleurs moving me from Bristol this weekend to Leeds. I love playing Bristol Jongleurs and was looking forward to it, but I love Leeds more. I get an extra gig so more wonga in the pot, and to be really honest, the Primark in Leeds is a million times better than the one in Bristol, so yayyyy!

This morning I had some more fab news, I got on the scales and that's two more pounds I've lost this week - 8st 2lbs in total - and my BMI is now 24 down from 40 at the time of the op. For the first time since I was 19 I am no longer 'overweight' or 'obese', I am 'normal'!!!!!!!!!!!!

How faaaaaabulous!



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