Just When You Think It Can't Get Any Worse...
...It does.
Soooo Monday was make or break day regarding my trip to Borneo, and I have to say, even tho I was trying my damnedest to be positive, as holes were appearing left, right and centre on my thighs - including the bits that had been re-stitched on Friday! - I was doubtful I’d make it to the monkeys.
I had time to kill before I went to see Dr Jalil, so I ventured off to Central Market. This was on my list of things to see, and if I did go off to Sabah in the morning this would be my last chance.
It was fantastic. Basically its an indoor craft market selling the kind of tourist tat I hadn’t seen anywhere else. Carved wooden animals and Buddha heads galore! There was tons of batik at about 5 times the price it is in Sunghei Wang, but then this whole market is for tourists. What they did have that was extremely cheap, was one of those ‘Fish Spa” places! This one was RM5 (about a quid) for 10 minutes of the little critters nibbling at you. Best of all you didn’t have to sit on the floor, you sat in a chair! I could do that, so I went for it!

Its the weirdest sensation, like a million tiny electric shocks as these toothless fishies nibble away at the dead skin on your feet and legs. They had a right old feast on the mosquito/bed-bug bites on my feet and now they don’t itch anymore! Apart from that, all I got was a load of incense cones to bring home. I had another little wander round the market in Chinatown which is just around the corner, and got caught in one of the all too frequent downpours. The one thing nobody seems to sell at this market is umbrellas!
Before I knew it, it was time to go see Dr J. When I got into his office, he took the dressings off and the hole in my right thigh had doubled in size from this morning, and once again I could see the bits of flesh you’re not meant to see on your own body! I burst into tears cos without him saying it, I knew there was no way I’d be boarding that plane tomorrow.
The joke was he said I could go and have my beach holiday, as long as I didn’t go anywhere near the beach...not a whole lot of point then eh? I said getting this sorted before I go home next week was waaaaaay more important, as I know full well that getting treatment in the UK will be a nightmare!
He said that the best thing was for me to fast again and he would sew it all up again in the morning. Like that filled me with confidence!
I left his office and went down to the reception, grabbing a coffee on the way. Louise, the owner of Gorgeous Getaways, came to see me and reassured me that everything would be ok. The fact is, none of its ok really, is it? Since I have been here, I have heard from three different people who work for the company, that every single patient who has had a thigh lift has had complications and needed to be re-stitched at least twice, some of them more than four times! Why on earth would anyone who knew that, tell a client that they’d be fit to go on a three hour flight to a beach resort 10 days after surgery?
Luckily for me, I had booked to stay in another Shangri La hotel up in Rasa Ria, so with a bit of luck the accommodation could just be transferred. Getting a refund on the £150 I spent on flights would be a matter for my travel insurance - if I was covered. I know who I think ought to be reimbursing me for that!
Back at the hotel I decided to move rooms as I was gonna be here another eight days. I’d spent a week listening to non-stop drilling and hammering from 8am to 8pm in my old room, and if I was gonna be confined to bed I wanted to be somewhere quiet. It also made more sense to pack and move tonight than when I’m fresh outta hospital tomorrow.
They gave me one of the swish rooms up in the Horizon club again, as long as its quiet I really don’t care what it’s called, tho the view up here on the 25th floor is rather amazing.
I was exhausted by the time I’d unpacked again, too tired for much more than a couple of mouthfuls of dinner. When I got back to my new room and undressed, I noticed yet another tear in the stitching on my left leg, a hole about two inches long, just as well I cancelled!
I’m not ashamed to say I cried myself to sleep. Suddenly this all seems like a really, really bad idea.
Soooo Monday was make or break day regarding my trip to Borneo, and I have to say, even tho I was trying my damnedest to be positive, as holes were appearing left, right and centre on my thighs - including the bits that had been re-stitched on Friday! - I was doubtful I’d make it to the monkeys.
I had time to kill before I went to see Dr Jalil, so I ventured off to Central Market. This was on my list of things to see, and if I did go off to Sabah in the morning this would be my last chance.
It was fantastic. Basically its an indoor craft market selling the kind of tourist tat I hadn’t seen anywhere else. Carved wooden animals and Buddha heads galore! There was tons of batik at about 5 times the price it is in Sunghei Wang, but then this whole market is for tourists. What they did have that was extremely cheap, was one of those ‘Fish Spa” places! This one was RM5 (about a quid) for 10 minutes of the little critters nibbling at you. Best of all you didn’t have to sit on the floor, you sat in a chair! I could do that, so I went for it!
Its the weirdest sensation, like a million tiny electric shocks as these toothless fishies nibble away at the dead skin on your feet and legs. They had a right old feast on the mosquito/bed-bug bites on my feet and now they don’t itch anymore! Apart from that, all I got was a load of incense cones to bring home. I had another little wander round the market in Chinatown which is just around the corner, and got caught in one of the all too frequent downpours. The one thing nobody seems to sell at this market is umbrellas!
Before I knew it, it was time to go see Dr J. When I got into his office, he took the dressings off and the hole in my right thigh had doubled in size from this morning, and once again I could see the bits of flesh you’re not meant to see on your own body! I burst into tears cos without him saying it, I knew there was no way I’d be boarding that plane tomorrow.
The joke was he said I could go and have my beach holiday, as long as I didn’t go anywhere near the beach...not a whole lot of point then eh? I said getting this sorted before I go home next week was waaaaaay more important, as I know full well that getting treatment in the UK will be a nightmare!
He said that the best thing was for me to fast again and he would sew it all up again in the morning. Like that filled me with confidence!
I left his office and went down to the reception, grabbing a coffee on the way. Louise, the owner of Gorgeous Getaways, came to see me and reassured me that everything would be ok. The fact is, none of its ok really, is it? Since I have been here, I have heard from three different people who work for the company, that every single patient who has had a thigh lift has had complications and needed to be re-stitched at least twice, some of them more than four times! Why on earth would anyone who knew that, tell a client that they’d be fit to go on a three hour flight to a beach resort 10 days after surgery?
Luckily for me, I had booked to stay in another Shangri La hotel up in Rasa Ria, so with a bit of luck the accommodation could just be transferred. Getting a refund on the £150 I spent on flights would be a matter for my travel insurance - if I was covered. I know who I think ought to be reimbursing me for that!
Back at the hotel I decided to move rooms as I was gonna be here another eight days. I’d spent a week listening to non-stop drilling and hammering from 8am to 8pm in my old room, and if I was gonna be confined to bed I wanted to be somewhere quiet. It also made more sense to pack and move tonight than when I’m fresh outta hospital tomorrow.
They gave me one of the swish rooms up in the Horizon club again, as long as its quiet I really don’t care what it’s called, tho the view up here on the 25th floor is rather amazing.
I was exhausted by the time I’d unpacked again, too tired for much more than a couple of mouthfuls of dinner. When I got back to my new room and undressed, I noticed yet another tear in the stitching on my left leg, a hole about two inches long, just as well I cancelled!
I’m not ashamed to say I cried myself to sleep. Suddenly this all seems like a really, really bad idea.
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