Monday, March 23, 2009

Gimme Yer Fookin Money!!!!!!!!

That's the link I want you all to click on or C&P cos I am going to be doing something I never dreamed possible this October. I am doing a five day trek in the Himalayas, followed by renovating a shelter for street kids in Delhi.

Now two years ago climbing the three flights of stairs up to my flat felt like climbing the Himalayas and I haven't painted/decorated my own place since I was on the dole back in the early 80's. These days I am blessed enough to be able to get a man in for that sort of thing!

Anyway, that's what I'm gonna be doing, and I want you all to give what you can. I've paid the costs myself obviously, so everything you give goes straight to Action Aid for the wonderful work they do all across the world.

I know it's only a week since Comic Relief raised that amazing amount of money, but surely you can spare a quid or two?




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