Gypsy in my Soul

So there I was, looking forward to a lovely weekend working in Bow, sleeping in my own bed, being as cool as you can be without air con, when I get the call....'Can you do me a favour and move to Southampton this weekend?'
What's a gal to do? The obvious thing would've been to lie and say I'd made all kinds of plans to go to a family wedding or funeral, etc etc, but in an attempt to be a better human being I've stopped telling lies, even white ones, or even little fibs. Instead I had a half-hearted whinge about how I really didn't want to spend yet another weekend in a generic mid-range hotel with windows that opened no more than 2".
This cut no ice, and then the reason was explained for the move... a comedy magician MC and a comedy magician opening act...I could see their dilemma. If I'd been the opening act I'd have been well pissed off, and as I really like the guy I agreed to make the swap.
So here I am, suitcase open on the bed, getting ready to pack and bugger off till Sunday, tho there's a slight chance I might get back Saturday night if the closing act doesn't over-run, fingers crossed.
Wow just stopped dead in my tracks there, Radio 1 is playing Redemption Song by Bob Marley! At last! A really great tune on there. That's one of my all time faves, it takes me back to a holiday in Goa in 1991, sitting on the beach at sunset, sipping on an ice cold Kingfisher, with my best mate Tracy and a couple of guys we met, we all just started singing it...bliss.
Now they're playing some annonymous piece of faux disco, I can concentrate again. Yeah, got all my stuff ready to go, with a small addition to my usual on the road kit, a selection of allen keys and phillip's head screwdrivers...I'll get that bloody window open, if I have to take it off at the hinges!
On a completely unrelated matter, I'm still loving my Tai Chi, but finding the classes a bit slow and way too hot at the moment. If anyone out there is a Tai Chi teacher or knows someone who is, and they're based in central London, please email me at I want to learn the whole form so that I can then concentrate on the chi side of things rather than where my feet and hands should be at any given moment. Thanks.
Right, time for a shower then it's off to Waterloo. Have a fabulous weekend folks xxx
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