Sunday, July 30, 2006

Just a small prick....

No I haven't broken my vow of celibacy!

The Bristol gigs were great fun, and it was fab to wake up in my own bed each morning. Could've done without the panic both nights waiting for a taxi to get me to the station tho! Ian Moore was on the bill too but he was doubling up with The Glee Club in Cardiff so sadly I didn't even get a chance to see him to say hi to. Mark Olver was MC'ing and he really is a great guy and a top MC!

The labyrinthitis continues to torment me. The anti-nausea pills just make me sleepy and dull, so I avoided taking the full dose while working, luckily Doctor Theatre - the aderenaline rush you get when performing - kicked in and I wasn't even aware I had it at the gigs. Perhaps that's the cure, just stay onstage!

Sadly that's not really possible, so I decided to give Chinese medicine a go. There's a chinese herbalist next door to my house so I popped in today for a diagnosis and treatment. I dunno how many of you have ever been in one of these places, but they're fascinating! Rows and rows of jars containing all manner of herbs, what looked like lumps of plastic, various bits of debris, all there to be boiled up and drunk. I sat there looking at it all and hoping that wasn't gonna be part of my treatment!

The doctor took down all my symptoms, asked a ton of questions, then prescribed a course of acupuncture. Yay no boiled herbs! Twenty minutes later I looked like Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies. Not content with filling my head, neck and face with needles, she moved down my body, stomach, wrists, legs and feet were all similarly adorned.

The light went off and the door was closed, chinese muzak played softly in the background, and I was left alone.

I've had acupuncture before, a few times in fact, but only ever in my back. My osteopath, the gorgeous and lovely Gary Trainer, uses it to speed up the healing process. This time however, I could really feel something happening in my body. My arms were spasming, the needle she stuck in at the point in between my eyebrows (your third eye) really hurt and burned, and the one in my stomach gave me this really odd cold sensation.

I'm not sure why I felt all these things so acutely, perhaps the meditation and Tai Chi I do every day has made me more aware of my body and my internal energy, my chi. Whatever it is, it wasn't spooky, it was reassuring.

About 25 minutes later, the doc reappeared and removed the needles, the third eye one really bled! She then gave me a vigorous head massage. As I sat up the dizziness was the worst its ever been, but then I wasn't expecting a miracle cure. Once I got myself on my feet, I did notice one brilliant thing. The heaviness and sluggishness I've been feeling for ages has gone. I came back home and fell into bed for one of the best sleeps I've had in a long long time.

The doc reckons I'll need another six sessions, and you know what, even if it doesn't speed up the departure of the labyrinthitis, I'm sure I'll reap many benefits from it.


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