Sunday, October 15, 2006

I Love It When My Friends Are Successful

Oh man I had just the best night tonight.

A couple of days ago, my pal Gina texted to see if I wanted to go along with her to see Ninia Benjamin doing the first show of this new Sky One reality show 'Cirque de Celebrite'.

I ummmed and ahhhed cos I tend to like spending my Sundays doing nothing more than reading the papers and sleeping. Anyway I thought "sod it" and said yes. I am so glad I did.

As regular readers will know I only met Ninia properly two weeks ago, but totally warmed to her within seconds, Gina and her have been mates for years. But when I heard last week she was gonna be on the show I was dead chuffed for her, she's so madcap and spontaneous that I knew she would shine.

So it was that Gina and I found ourselves outside a Big Top on the side of Sandown Park Racecourse at 4.30 this afternoon. We were given a 'friends and family' wristband and wandered into the holding area. The pair of us were starving, and we saw some manky hot dogs for sale, which did little to excite us.

Gina said "come on, let's go eat dinner with the crew" and off we went. Nobody challenged us as we tucked into Veggie Lasagne and two puddings on the dining bus, it was delicious and put us in the right mood for the show.

We went into the Big Top and took our seats, Gina's had her name on it, mine said Gina's friend! Good job my ego isn't too sensitive eh?

There were all kinds of 'celebrities' there from Carole Smiley who was there to cheer on Handy Andy, to Mikey from Big Brother who was supporting his 'girlfriend' Horse Face Grace, to the very, very charming Simon Cowell who was there for Sinitta.

They sat Gina and I on the front row, and judging by the texts we both got after the show, this was a wise move as we were both in shot most of the show it seems.

Ninia came out in a purple catsuit, looking for the want of a better word, a bugger. If you've seen her, you'll know she isn't skinny, but even an average sized person would look big next to the likes of boring Sophie Anderton and the lovely Emma B. Ninia didn't let it hold her back in any way, she tore around that ring putting on a real show, whilst Gina and I collapsed in fits of laughter.

Then came the actual circus stunts, our girl had to do some balancing thing on a ball and for this they dressed her in a pink and orange tutu! Gawd bless her, she worked that look for all she was worth. She even managed to get onto the ball briefly, we were so proud of her.

Then came time for the results, Ninia had done ok on the judges' votes but she needed the viewing public to make sure she stayed in, and yayyyyyyyyyyyy they came through for her! Gina and I jumped out of our seats screaming when her name was called out!

After the show, they had a little drinks thingy, and Ninia introduced us to most of her fellow contestants, I say most cos neither Gina nor I wanted to meet that racist witch Grace. When she was doing her stunt we booed her like a couple of 12 year olds - I''m guessing we weren't in shot when she was on!

Anyway the ones we met and liked include Emma B, Zammo from Grange Hill, and sweetest of them all little Kenzie formerly of Blazin Squad. I feel a bit dirty for the thoughts I was thinking as this cute little 21 year old stud monkey hugged and kissed me! If only I'd brought my PlayStation, I could've tempted him back to my place!

There are comedians out there who get very jealous when other comics get a break, but I am so glad I aint one of them, I couldn't have been happier tonight seeing my new best friend Ninia take this opportunity by the balls and run with it!

Good on ya gal!


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