Sunday, January 07, 2007

Thank You

Nowt to do with the dreary Dido song, but a huge nod of appreciation to every single member of the audience at Up The Creek in Greenwich last night.

I thought Friday was fantastic, but Saturday just blew me away. It's been a while since I've had such a brilliant time at any gig. It was one of those nights when the entire crowd bonded together as one massive bundle of love. Sounds a bit insane but anyone who's gigged at the Creek on one of these nights will totally get it.

The audience were just ripe and ready from the off, they 'got' every single gag, every ad lib, everything!

Funnily enough, Up The Creek is a place where this happens to me most often, where I forget about 'performing' and just hit a wonderful vibe with the crowd.

Long before I ever did comedy, I was a journalist at the Evening Standard and when I got bored I would take the piss out of my fellow workmates. Not in a horrid way but lots of friendly banter cos I'd done my work and wanted a distraction. My colleagues used to tell me how funny I was and how I should be onstage at The Comedy Store. My reaction was always the same, that it was easy enough to have a laugh and a banter with them cos they knew me, but no way could I ever do that in front of a bunch of strangers. Well, 13 years on, I can, and it's amazing. I remember watching people like Phill Jupitus onstage at the Store and wondering how on earth he could appear sooooooo relaxed and at home on there, now I know and its an incredible feeling.

A big thanks to birthday boy Martin and his mates for sharing their story, and to the lovely gal from Sydney and her very funny Dad who cracked me up. You guys made my night.



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