Tuesday, September 18, 2007


So on Sunday, the sun was shining and I decided to meet up with an old mate who I've not seen in aaaaaages. We took a wander down to the South Bank to take a look at the Thames Festival.

It was fantastic, lots of people, lots of stalls selling all kinds of stuff, mostly of the cheap silver jewellery and hippy 'chic' variety, and a load selling food from all over the world....lovely.

We sat drinking coffee in the sunshine for ages, catching up on each other's lives, then as we strolled down to Gabriel's Wharf, I felt a bit peckish. I plumped for a bit of Pad Thai and ate as much as my baby stomach could take without it coming back up again. That's one of the side effects of the op, if you try and eat too much it just makes it's way back out of your body. A great incentive not to overdo things as public vomitting is sooooooooo 1990's!

By the time we were on the tube home, my tummy felt a bit dicky, but nothing that would cause major concern.

Sunday night was my first night at home in aaaaaages so I chilled, reading, writing and watching a bit of rubbish telly. I did feel incredibly tired tho, so I had an early night.

Monday morning and I was up with the lark (well the alarm). I was due to go to see my Dad for a couple of days and really looking forward to it. I went to the loo and my god! Well I'll spare you the details but let's just say that I'm glad that my loo and sink are really close to each other, cos I needed both!

When I eventually got off, I felt as tho I'd done 50 rounds with Mike Tyson. Every part of me was aching and my head was soooo f**ked it was like I'd dropped a tab of really good acid. Pretty soon I knew there was no way I was gonna make it to Euston in time for my train, and with a great deal of sadness I rang my Dad to tell him I wouldn't be coming. He told me to get back into bed and try and drink as much water as I could.

Four hours' later, and I was completely empty. I still felt achy everywhere but the acid trip effect seemed to have worn off. Being the optimistic soul that I am, I put a positive spin on the whole horrid experience and decided to see if the morning's tribulations had had any effect on my weight. I got on the scales and I'd lost 4lbs in 24 hours!!!!!

As the day wore on, I slept loads more and got my paperwork together for the dreaded tax return, and managed to eat a tiny bowl of extremely runny porridge.

This morning I feel a bit shakey, but generally good. I've done my full exercise routine, and when I got on the scales this morning I'd lost another pound! So, while I'm still a bit pissed off that I didn't get to see my Dad, I'm thrilled that I can lose 5lbs in 48 hours! Every cloud and all that.

It brings my total weight loss to seven and a half stones in seven and a half months...how incredible!



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