Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oxford This Weekend...

... was fantastic!

The line up was great, Otiz Canneloni who has some of the best gags I've heard for ages, Johnny Candon who was his usual funny, charming self (and about to become a Daddy - massive congrats!) and the lovely Tony Hendricks who really kicked ass both nights.

For me, having had a break, Friday was a bit nerve-wracking, but I needn't have worried. I was on fire! Ad-libbing all over the show, being off the cuff funny and cheeky without ever insulting (I hope). These were also the first gigs I've done where I haven't hidden my weight loss underneath a baggy top or dress.

When I first had the op, I was asked by a fellow comic "what if you get skinny and you're not funny any more?" To be really honest I hadn't even thought of that until he brought it up. I knew from the last time I'd lost weight that there would be gags I'd have to drop, but it really wasn't a concern at that point. I replied, somewhat flippantly, "it won't matter cos then I'll be skinny and who needs to be funny when you're size 0?"

Well I'm not quite a size 0 yet, more like a size 10, which is f**king skinny for me, but I don't really see it in myself. I'm still the same me with all the doubts, fears and confusions I had before, there's just a smaller number in the back of my clothes.

However, this weekend, going onstage in clothes that fitted properly, I did have a slight concern that I might not be funny any more. Well now I know it was daft to worry, I'm still funny and with a greater confidence than I've ever had.

Phew! If it hadn't worked I'd have had to get a proper job!



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