Thursday, January 03, 2008

...And The Start Of A New One!

So how was your New Year's Eve? I hope you had fun.

I saw in 2008 with a glass of pink Tattinger courtesy of Lee, the manager of the Glee Club in Cardiff, and it was fantastic!

The gig was just one of those perfectly, smoothly run nights. The club was rammed, full of really great people who just wanted to laugh and have a good time. My fellow comedians - Jarred Christmas, Jon Richardson and Mark Watson - all kicked comedy ass, and none of the sequins fell off my frock so it was just wonderful.

The next morning I felt the effects of the champagne, but I still managed to get showered and catch my train. The journey home was painless - First Great Western were probably the only train company running a decent service!

On Wednesday I went to see the doctor, I'm having some surgery in March and I have to be a non-smoker to have the best chances of healing afterwards, so she gave me a prescription for a new pill called Champix, that's supposed to make giving up easier. The idea is that once they're in your system, if you do smoke it makes you feel sick, but you don't go cold turkey which was great news! I took the first pill this morning, and I can't say its had any effect but aparently it takes a few days.

I would love to be a non-smoker, I'm getting fed up of freezing my ass off nipping out for a smoke when I'm working, and I hate the fact that I am still addicted to something that isn't good for me. Add to that the cost, I could buy a whole new wardrobe in Primark every week with what I spend on cigarettes.

The main fear I have is that I will begin to eat more, I lost nine and a half stones last year and the last thing I want now is to begin nibbling at food as a replacement. Obviously since my gastric bypass I cannot eat anything like the amounts I used to, but I could still eat more than I currently do, so being aware is half the battle I guess. Perhaps I'll take up knitting!

Talking of gastric bypasses, I watched that horrific documentary on C4 last night called The Half Ton Mum. How tragic was her story????? A 29 year old mother of two gorgeous girls, who had gotten herself up to 64 stones! The irony of her situation was that only a gastric bypass could give her a chance of survival, but she was waaaaaaay over the safe weight to qualify for one! She did eventually find a surgeon willing to perform the operation, but by then I guess her poor heart was on it's last legs. Initially she recovered well, losing four stones in the two weeks after surgery, but then she suffered a massive heart attack and died. How fucking heartbreaking.

One of the experts said that the chance came too late really for her, if she'd been able to get the op a few years earlier she'd still be alive. That's what prompted me to push for mine, I was about a third of her weight, when I had mine, but ending up like that poor woman was my biggest fear for the future. Every single morning I give thanks to the Buddha for empowering me to push and push and push to get the surgery that I believe has given me not so much my old life back as given me a brand new life. If there is anyone out there reading this who needs the op and qualifies for it, then my advice is to go for it.

Phew that was a bit intense eh?

So today I finally got my brand new bed. I figured that after eight years of heavy weight on it, my old one was ready for the skip. I got a great deal on a gorgeous one from Marks and Sparks of all places, with a fabulous orthopedic mattress. The delivery guys arrived nice and early, and gawd bless them, they dismantled my old one and put the new one together for me. I do love being a girl!

I'm all excited tonight, one because I get to sleep in the new bed, and two cos in the morning I go and get my eyebrows tattooed on! I had the consultation a couple of weeks ago and loved the effect, so tomorrow it will be permanent. I can't wait! I just hope she doesn't flip out and make em look like Lea's from Big Brother!

After that I'm off to Nottingham for a weekend of gigging, ligging and jiggy-jigging, well gigging anyway. Whatever you guys are up to, hope you have fun.



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