Queen of F**king Sheeba!!!!!!!

How magnificent was The Royle Family last night?????
It might have taken six years to get it back on our screens, but it was well worth the wait. Liz Smith is one of the most fabulous actresses we have and the scene with her and Sue Johnson where she was doing her hair had me bawling like a baby.
I know that Caroline Ahern has had her share of ups and downs over the last few years, but my god girl...you are a total genius! Welcome back and don't leave it so long next time eh?
In other news the gigs at the weekend were fine. Audience numbers were all over the place from 100 on Friday to beyond capacity on Saturday, but the highlight for me this weekend - apart from finally clearing a massive credit card debt I'd run up during my shopping addiction - was watching the excellent Ricky Grover do his thang both nights.
We also got the chance to catch up on each other's lives a bit, something that happens all too rarely as we usually only work together in London and Ricky's always dashing off to another gig.
When they talk about 'funny bones' they could be describing Ricky, he just has em, his turns of phrase, his persona, his timing, he's got it all...a total joy to watch.
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