Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Is It Cos I Is......?

Sooooo, the weekend was spent in terrific company. At The Glee Club in Birmingham not only was the delicious Aladair in attendance, but the line-up was amazing. We had delightful Rob Deering, brilliant John Bishop and marvellous Andrew Maxwell. At the risk of sounding egotistical, it was perhaps one of the strongest bills of comedy anywhere in the country that weekend.

The gigs were great fun and we hung about afterwards chatting and catching up. It's been about three years since I saw John and nearly as long since I saw Andrew, and on Friday night after the show the lovely Andy Robinson turned up after he'd done a corporate somewhere in town.

I have to say most of the chat centred around Borat (for those who'd seen it) and the iPod Shuffle. Rob was so impressed with mine on Thursday night he dashed off to buy one on Friday morning!

Sunday night saw me MC'ing a night of black female comedy at The Tricycle Theatre in Kilburn. It was only my second 'black' gig so I was a bit aprehensive. Turned out there was no need at all, the audience were fantastic and the girls - Annette Fagon, Donna Spence, Angela Reed and Ava Vidal - were all funny as buggery.

There were about seven men in the entire room, and I'd say six of those had been dragged kicking and screaming by their partners. By the end of the show tho, they all said they'd had a good time and you can't ask for more than that.

I'm dead excited today as I'm off on a night out tonight. A proper night out. I'm going with my pal Stephen K Amos to see Lenny Beige's Messaround at The Pigalle Club in town.

Years ago, Lenny (aka Steve Furst) used to do a night at The Talk of London and it was at one of those nights I had my first 'date' with Robbie Williams, so needless to say I have high hopes for tonight! I have no idea who is going to be on, but there's a huge big megastar due to perform, so fingers crossed it's Daniel Craig - who'll be in the area as its the Bond premier tonight - and I will be swept off to a life of Hollywood luxury.

Knowing my luck it'll be Michael Ball and I'll be swept back onto the Bakerloo line at chucking out time!


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