Friday, November 03, 2006

The Week So Far....And The Weekend Ahead

After last week's gig marathon, this week has been slower thank god!

Done a bit of shopping, treated myself to the minute new iPod Shuffle. Its about the size of a Christmas postage stamp! With enough songs to last for 12 hours. Sadly, the charger connection is USB instead of the usual Apple firewire, which means the old iPod charger is no use. The only way you can charge it is via the computer, unless you wanna shell out almost another £50 for the Apple charger and Worldtraveler plug set.

I did a bit of a search and found one that does the job for under £14. Naughty Apple!

I went to the movies to see Marie Antoinette, which definitely has the Sophia Coppola stamp on it. For such a fascinating and eventful life, she manages to make it all feel very languid and like nothing much is going on really apart from eating delicious cakes and buying even more delicious shoes. Lost in Versailles it seems.

Having said that, I did enjoy it was a lovely way to pass the afternoon, like staring in the window of Patisserie Valerie. Much was made of the 'punk' rock soundtrack, but there was no punk in it! There was the Gang of Four and lots of Bow Wow Wow, which certainly added life to the events on screen, I Want Candy especially.

I also tackled a job I'd been putting off for aaaaaaages. I cleared out my storage cupboard, tho for storage read junk and shit I haven't been bothered to deal with. There was all kinds of rubbish, including receipts going back years, old TV treatments I'd written when I was young and fresh and desperate to be a star, and a letter I'd written to an old lover and never sent.

As I re-read the words that had such poignancy all those years ago I realised just how far I have travelled. It was like reading a letter written by a stranger. Interesting how we move on, sometimes without even realising it, until we come across things from the past.

So that was my week, and now I am heading off to Gatwick for my flight to Glasgow. I'm doing two nights at Jongleurs there, so that's two nights of running up and down stairs to the street if I want a fag. When the ban comes in here in England I will be fit as a flea!

Have a great one people xx


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