Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Little Things Mean A Lot

A long, long time ago - well a couple of years to be exact - my life was a constant series of massive peaks and troughs. Everything was either brilliant or bollocks with nothing in between. Then I read The Art of Happiness by HH The Dalai Lama and everything changed.

I get pleasure from the simplest things, and when things don't work out the way I'd hoped, I shrug and move on.

Yesterday was one of those perfect days, when seemingly simple things went right. I had to collect a dvd of my performance for a forthcoming series on Paramount from one editing suite in Soho and deliver it to my mate Mickey Hutton in another one two streets away.

Now, on paper this should've been as easy as pie, but previous experience has taught me that isn't always (if ever) the case. Yesterday, however it was. The whole thing took less than 15 minutes...wonderful.

Later on I decided to chase up some work for this weekend, having found myself with a free weekend and nowt to do with it. I emailed my pal Danny and five minutes later he was on the phone telling me I was his 'light in shining armour'. Mixed metaphor I know but it's something I suspect he's inherited from his boss Addison Cresswell who's infamous for it. One of his best ones was 'Comedians? Cheap as houses'.

Anyway Danny tells me that someone has just dropped out of this weekend at The Glee Club in Birmingham, and as you will all know, this is my favourite club in the world ever, ever. I was so excited! I'm packed already.

Today I treated myself to a visit to the movies to see Borat's movie.

I can honestly say that its the funniest movie I have ever, ever, ever seen in my life. I thought I'd puke I was laughing so hard! If you haven't seen it yet, get yourself down to the local flea pit and prepare for the best laugh of your life.

Needless to say, in my role as the Zelig of not only the rock and roll world, but also the comedy world, I was reminded of the first time I ever met Sacha. It was about 10 years ago, and I was doing my ITV show Funny Business and he was hosting this mad cable chat show. I was asked to be a guest on it and as I wasn't getting much publicity anywhere else I said ok.

He was soooo sweet and we had a good laugh on the show. I remember feeling slightly smug that I was on terrestrial, network telly and he was doing this cable thing. That'll teach me eh?
Proof, if any was needed that karma does indeed exist.

I saw him a few years later at the Stephen Wright gig at The Dominion, and by this time he was making huge waves as Ali G. I didn't think he'd remember me, but he did and made a point of coming up and saying hello, and thanking me for doing that show all those years before. Top geezer!


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