Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Mmmmmmmmm a whole day to myself before the madness begins. How shall I spend it? I know! I'll face the freezing cold and go the the Serpentine Gallery to catch the Damien Hirst 'thing' before it closes on Sunday.

The sunshine belies the bitter wind that whips through to your bones, but I've got me Gucci's on and my M&S fake Belstaff jacket with the extra warm lining, so I am prepared.

At Notting Hill Gate I grab a Starbucks Mocha to give me energy and get the bus to the Albert Memorial. I love this statue, old Queen Vic must've loved him to go to those lengths. I bet he was all puffed up like a penguin when he saw it! Just goes to show the benefits of a genital piercing!

I get to the Gallery and it's not too busy - hurrah! I'm so excited about seeing this. Outside on the lawn there's a giant shire horse pulling a cart loaded with massive marrows by Sarah Lucas along with a curious selection of people and gorillas. Inside, where its much warmer, there's a feast of modern art guaranteed to make you drool. There's loads of Sarah Lucas stuff including a vaccuum cleaner made of cigarettes with a bra attached called 'It Sucks' sounds like every man's dream!

One of my most favourite pieces is a collection of skulls decorated with beads and lapus lazuli by Stephen Gregory...I totally loved them! I also loved seeing Banksy's fantastic painting - the one with Ronald McDonald, Mickey Mouse and the little girl from that famous Vietnam photo - it's breathtaking in the flesh so to speak.

He has a few pieces by Jeff Koons including a giant yellow Moon and some of the Hoovers, he's got a couple of Warhols - Five Deaths and Electric Chair - a Francis Bacon which is amazing, and some of Jim Lambie's Owls which are just gorgeous. I also loved Sean Landers' essay.

To be really honest, there wasn't a piece I didn't at least like a lot. It's just a fabulous collection. Damien calls it his 'Murderme' collection because all of the pieces have some connection with death or blood or gore. You'd think with those themes it'd be a depressing view, but its not, it's life affirming!

In The Darkest Hour There May Be Light runs until 28 January....don't miss it!



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