Monday, December 01, 2008


So here I am back at the fabulous Radisson Hotel in Leeds having just done show one of about 20 Christmas gigs.

Personally I can't really think of a better way to begin the "pay my tax bill" errr festive season than with a week of shows at Leeds Jongleurs. The whole package - gig, hotel, city and bill - is just perfect to ease you into the whole season of good will and too much booze.

Since I got back from Malaysia my gigs have just been getting better and better. I am so loving being onstage and seem to have this new-found confidence. Obviously, feeling better about how I look physically and being fitter than ever helps enormously, but its more than that. I feel like I've finally found my voice. I love being onstage and talking to people and connecting with people. By vocalising some of my deepest and darkest thoughts I'm learning that, just like the Buddha taught, we are all the same essentially. We're all seeking the same thing - happiness - and we all have our own ways of getting there. So on nights when some random thought pops into my head and straight out of my mouth and then connects with a room full of strangers its like some kind of magic! I love it!

The other thing my trip to Kuala Lumpur has done for me is cure me of my shopping addiction. Four weeks of running around markets and shopping malls every day - apart from the various days I spent in hospital - has kinda filled me up shopping wise. Mind you, here in Leeds there's both a massive Primark and a fantastic Harvey Nichols, so I guess the next week will show me whether or not I'm really over it.

One reason for the lack of need to shop is that for the first time in my life, clothes I wore this time last year fit me again this year!!!!! I've never had that before they've either been miles too big or miles too small. As I dug out all my sparkly little Xmas frocks I was overwhelmed that they all still fit me! Granted they're looser than they were this time last year due to the amount of skin that's been removed and the additional weight loss, but it's not like I was a size 28 this time last year.

I'm even wearing heels onstage. I can't say I'm walking any better in them, but it feels good to be all glam and girly!



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